DarkOrbit - Čo sa kde objavilo

Diskuze na fóru 'Diskuzní koutek' zahájená uživatelem Enriqe-XXX, 3/3/17.

Milý(á) fórum uživatel (ko),

pokud chcete být na fóru aktivní a máte zájem se zúčastnit v různých diskuzích a využívat dané fórum musíš se nejdříve přihlásit do hry. Pokud nemáš žádný herní účet, prosím, zaregistruj se. Těšíme se na Tvou návštěvu na našem fóru! „do hry“
  1. ZOHAN

    ZOHAN User

    Pokud se nemýlím, tak už nefunguje. Více si najdi zde :
  2. Punisher

    Punisher Board Administrator Team Darkorbit

  3. darkonec

    darkonec User

  4. Bambino

    Bambino User

    a nedaváju k nemu ešte,full lf4??
    -baghira2- tohle ocenil(a).
  5. Minulý týden byl test server kde se testovala tato loď a zde jsem udělal spis kolik slotu má:

    Sloty na LF-4 ==) 15x
    Sloty na štíty / pohony ==) 16x
    Extra sloty ==) 3x (pomocí CPU jich budete mít ==) 13x)
    Slot na raketomet ==) 1x

    Prý je to jak Surgeon na testu byla zadarmo, i nějaké nové věci při akci.
    Zde dávám snímky:



    Ta LF-4 me dosti zarazila :(



    Více jsem toho nestihl na testu :(
    -baghira2-, storm128 a *Firefox1* tohle ocenili.
  6. [​IMG]
    -baghira2- tohle ocenil(a).
  7. .Mystyk.

    .Mystyk. User

    No je dost podobná Surgeonovy.Ale nemá žádné bonusy.A schopnost ujde,podle popisu.Ale zpomalí tě.Tak že je spíš na obranu,než na útok.Ten koho lovíš ti snáz uteče.
    -baghira2- tohle ocenil(a).
  8. Zdravím
    Něco nového co jsem našel na en forum
    There's a lot of "code text" so I'll try put a thorough "gist of it", but if lots of code text doesn't bother you - just click on the spoilers. ("code text" gives better idea what might be like)

    Galaxy gate/event name: Gauntlet of Plutus

    Game client/window text:

    Gist of it:
    • Seems is a repeatable gate, not clear how long have to wait to do again
    • It has a player ranking
    • Rankings score is based on how long take to complete gate(over 60 minutes don't receive a score)
      • Score may also get higher with each gate you do, see the below achievements bit
    • Sounds like it might have a "accumulate points for rewards" window thing, gain points by killing aliens inside the Gauntlet of Plutus gate
    <item name="log_msg_gg_completed_gop"><![CDATA[Gauntlet of Plutus completed.]]></item>

    <item name="title_event_gop_rewards_window"><![CDATA[Gauntlet of Plutus Rewards]]></item>
    <item name="event_gop_rewards_window_headline"><![CDATA[CONGRATULATIONS!]]></item>
    <item name="event_gop_rewards_window_message"><![CDATA[We are delighted to reward you for your actions protecting humanity.]]></item>

    <item name="title_plutus"><![CDATA[Gauntlet of Plutus]]></item>
    <item name="plutus_tab_overview"><![CDATA[OVERVIEW]]></item>
    <item name="plutus_tab_rewards"><![CDATA[REWARDS]]></item>

    <item name="plutus_tab_overview_status_completed"><![CDATA[You have completed the Gauntlet today. <br>Next Gauntlet opens in:]]></item>
    <item name="plutus_tab_overview_status_available"><![CDATA[The Gauntlet is open! <br>Time left to defeat Plutus:]]></item>
    <item name="plutus_tab_overview_status_spent"><![CDATA[Time spent in the Gauntlet:]]></item>
    <item name="plutus_tab_overview_status_end"><![CDATA[You have completed the Gauntlet today. <br>Rankings will be tallied in:]]></item>

    <item name="plutus_tab_overview_lives_left"><![CDATA[Lives left:]]></item>

    <item name="plutus_tab_rewards_headline"><![CDATA[PLAYER REWARDS]]></item>
    <item name="plutus_tab_overview_playerpoints"><![CDATA[Your score:]]></item>
    <item name="plutus_tab_overview_hint"><![CDATA[Complete the Gauntlet of Plutus as fast as you can! ]]></item>
    <item name="plutus_tab_overview_ttip_score"><![CDATA[Scores are calculated based on the amount of time spent to complete the Gauntlet of Plutus. Recorded timings exceeding 60 minutes will not receive a score. Clear the Gauntlet as fast as possible to get the highest score!]]></item>

    <item name="window_event_gauntletofplutus_title"><![CDATA[Gauntlet Of Plutus]]></item>
    <item name="window_event_gauntletofplutus_label_description"><![CDATA[Defeat aliens in the Gauntlet of Plutus and get points for rewards]]></item>
    <item name="window_event_gauntletofplutus_source"><![CDATA[Accumulate points by destroying aliens in the Gauntlet of Plutus.]]></item>

    <item name="window_event_progress_tooltip_package01_tech"><![CDATA[Chance to get the following contents: BRB-2, ST-2, BT-1, ECB-1, NN-1]]></item>
    <item name="window_event_progress_tooltip_package02_tech"><![CDATA[Chance to get the following contents: BRB-2, ST-2, BT-1, ECB-1, NN-1]]></item>

    <item name="window_event_progress_tooltip_package01_gop"><![CDATA[20,000 RSB-75 and 15,000 Seprom]]></item>
    (those 3 packages are listed under "NPC Beacon event" but third one has "gop"/Gauntlet of Plutus, as for first two guess will have to wait and see)

    Achievements listed for the event:

    Initially list was too long, so at least the "more interesting" stuff:
    • At least one achievement implies it might be an recurring event
    • Achievement and a title for being the top ranked player at end of the event:
      • Champion of the Gauntlet
    • A title for defeating Plutus 30 times(maybe, not that clear): Destruction of Wealth
    • Achievements for accumulating certain amounts of score, in a single Gauntlet of Plutus event
      • This kinda implies ranking score will be based on not just time take to complete, but also how many times complete the gate. (but not totally clear if it is like this)
    • Not an achievement but put it here anyway: seems will be able to see "user ranking" for the event, on the Ranking>Event Rankings page (at least is listed next to others that see there)
    <item name="label_achievement_event_gauntletofplutus"><![CDATA[Gauntlet Of Plutus]]></item>

    <item name="achievement_event_gauntletofplutus-champion_1_name"><![CDATA[Champion of the Gauntlet]]></item>
    <item name="achievement_event_gauntletofplutus-champion_1_description"><![CDATA[Be the top ranking player at the end of the event.]]></item>
    <item name="title_achievement_event_gauntletofplutus-champion"><![CDATA[Champion of the Gauntlet]]></item>

    <item name="achievement_event_gauntletofplutus-kill-plutus_1_name"><![CDATA[The bigger they are ...]]></item>
    <item name="achievement_event_gauntletofplutus-kill-plutus_1_description"><![CDATA[Defeat Plutus once.]]></item>
    <item name="achievement_event_gauntletofplutus-kill-plutus_2_name"><![CDATA[... The harder they fall.]]></item>
    <item name="achievement_event_gauntletofplutus-kill-plutus_2_description"><![CDATA[Defeat Plutus 10 times.]]></item>
    <item name="achievement_event_gauntletofplutus-kill-plutus_3_name"><![CDATA[Destruction of Wealth]]></item>
    <item name="achievement_event_gauntletofplutus-kill-plutus_3_description"><![CDATA[Defeat Plutus 30 times.]]></item>
    <item name="title_achievement_event_gauntletofplutus-kill-plutus-30"><![CDATA[Destruction of Wealth]]></item>

    <item name="achievement_event_gauntletofplutus-score_1_name"><![CDATA[Monumental momentum.]]></item>
    <item name="achievement_event_gauntletofplutus-score_1_description"><![CDATA[Accumulate 2,000 score in a single Gauntlet of Plutus event.]]></item>
    <item name="achievement_event_gauntletofplutus-score_2_name"><![CDATA[In a flash]]></item>
    <item name="achievement_event_gauntletofplutus-score_2_description"><![CDATA[Accumulate 5,000 score in a single Gauntlet of Plutus event.]]></item>
    <item name="achievement_event_gauntletofplutus-score_3_name"><![CDATA[Speed Kills]]></item>
    <item name="achievement_event_gauntletofplutus-score_3_description"><![CDATA[Accumulate 20,000 score in a single Gauntlet of Plutus event.]]></item>

    <item name="achievement_event_gauntletofplutus-luck_1_name"><![CDATA[Limitless Luck]]></item>
    <item name="achievement_event_gauntletofplutus-luck_1_description"><![CDATA[Be one of the lucky few.]]></item>
    <item name="title_achievement_event_gauntletofplutus-luck"><![CDATA[Limitless Luck]]></item>

    User ranking: <item name="gauntletOfPlutus_userRanking"><![CDATA[Gauntlet of Plutus]]></item>

    Deals for point boosters(100% boost):

    <item name="items_package_event-deal-gauntlet-boosters-3days_fullname"><![CDATA[RM-B01 for 3 days]]></item>
    <item name="items_package_event-deal-gauntlet-boosters-3days_short"><![CDATA[Point Booster]]></item>
    <item name="items_package_event-deal-gauntlet-boosters-3days_code"><![CDATA[RM-B01 x3 days]]></item>
    <item name="items_package_event-deal-gauntlet-boosters-3days_description"><![CDATA[Get the RM-B01 for 3 days and boost the amount of Event Progress Points you gain by 100%!]]></item>

    <item name="items_package_event-deal-gauntlet-boosters-7days_fullname"><![CDATA[RM-B01 for 7 days]]></item>
    <item name="items_package_event-deal-gauntlet-boosters-7days_short"><![CDATA[Point Booster]]></item>
    <item name="items_package_event-deal-gauntlet-boosters-7days_code"><![CDATA[RM-B01 x7 days]]></item>
    <item name="items_package_event-deal-gauntlet-boosters-7days_description"><![CDATA[Get the RM-B01 for 7 days and boost the amount of Event Progress Points you gain by 100%!]]></item>

    <item name="items_package_event-deal-gauntlet-boosters-14days_fullname"><![CDATA[RM-B01 for 14 days]]></item>
    <item name="items_package_event-deal-gauntlet-boosters-14days_short"><![CDATA[Point Booster]]></item>
    <item name="items_package_event-deal-gauntlet-boosters-14days_code"><![CDATA[RM-B01 x14 days]]></item>
    <item name="items_package_event-deal-gauntlet-boosters-14days_description"><![CDATA[Get the RM-B01 for 14 days and boost the amount of Event Progress Points you gain by 100%!]]></item>

    <item name="history_package_event-deal-rm-b01-3-days"><![CDATA[RM-B01 for 3 days purchased]]></item>
    <item name="history_package_event-deal-rm-b01-7-days"><![CDATA[RM-B01 for 7 days purchased]]></item>
    <item name="history_package_event-deal-rm-b01-14-days"><![CDATA[RM-B01 for 14 days purchased]]></item>
    -baghira2- tohle ocenil(a).
  9. pecko

    pecko User

    no teraz to ale musis vysvetlit :)
    ஃWolffяimusஃ a -baghira2- tohle ocenili.
  10. josef402

    josef402 User

    když to neprelozis tak to sem ani nedavej tady si v cesku
    pepan70 a -baghira2- tohle ocenili.
  11. Po rýchlom prebehnutí to vyzerá na nejakú bránu s názvom "gauntlet of plutus", ktorá by mala byť opakovacia po určitom čase (niečo na spôsob vortex of terror asi), pričom sa za splnenie dostávajú body do rebríčka, ktoré závisia od počtu dokončených brán a rýchlosti (body sa dostávajú za rýchlosť iba ak ju stihnete urobiť do 60 min.). Budú nejaké nové tituly, za rebríček asi aj odmeny, nič viac som nevyčítal :D
  12. josef402

    josef402 User

    takze pokud dinosaur napsal pravdu tak to bude ,nakup x4-+atd,:p:p:p takze oslicku otrepse:D:D:D:Dze by tady někdo hral na zebřiček, :rolleyes::rolleyes:kdyz tu se masti všichni navzajem o_O vetsi hovadinu sem neslysel:oops:
    -baghira2- a Fazer7λητк tohle ocenili.
  13. Neboj nepoctivy x4 maju dost aj seprom oni pojdu na rebricky pokial DO nezacne ich banovat.
    Fazer7λητк, -baghira2- a 123812 tohle ocenili.
  14. ja se vystrilel pri tehle akci co je ted a jestli bude dalsi akce na totot tak nevím kde vezmu dobrou munici no urcite nebudu kupovat nemam na to
  15. Zdravím

    Nějaký nový event

    +++ Sneak Peek +++
    Plutus won't be gone for long - his next challenge is drawing near ...

    *Firefox1*, -baghira2- a Dinosam-SVK- tohle ocenili.
  16. Další čupr akce pro botky a klikačky
  17. Super takže Topky si zase nahrabou.. a jen se bude dále zvětšovat propast mezi nimi a ostatními..
    ***Janci*** a -baghira2- tohle ocenili.
  18. jaritko

    jaritko User

    Ešte sa poriadne ani nevie o čo pôjde a už sú tu negatívne reakcie.:rolleyes:
    bluestar8 a -baghira2- tohle ocenili.
  19. Vždyť je to skoro každý event stejný.
    -baghira2- tohle ocenil(a).
  20. josef402

    josef402 User

    a proto na to :confused: :D:D:D:D:D
    -baghira2- a ஃWolffяimusஃ tohle ocenili.